
Showing posts from January, 2021
Good composition is the key to a successful painting. In landscape painting, artists have to crop the image to create atractive scene in order to make it interesting for the viewer, to add their contribution and design their own composition for an aesthetic arrangement of nature elements. That composition will become the concept of their painting and the  foundation of great artwork which can transmit emotion, music and poetry. In other words. a powerful painting means to push the design and composition to overcome the banality of the image. The means to create a good composition are the result of the efforts and experience of the great masters and are clasified as rules and principals. om y knowledge, the bellow stated are crucial important in oil painting:    The Golden Ratio or „The Divine Proportion” and The Rule of thirds. -         „S” curve and Diagonal lines. -         Perspective and Athmospher...
  Armonia culorilor obtinuta cu ajutorul Gamut mask Armonia in pictura este cea care incanta privirea si creeaza un sentiment interior de ordine, de echilibru. Ea se realizeaza folosind culori care au o anumita legatura intre ele intr-un mod specific pe roata culorilor cum sunt de exemplu schemele de culorile complementare, analoage, monocromatice, etc. Exista insa o modalitate aparte care se numeste Gamut mask, cu ajutorul careia sunt indicate culorile armonizante. Rezultatul folosirii acestei modalitati confera picturii poezie si muzica. Poezia unui tablou este mesajul vizual pe care artistul îl comunica privitorului prin iluzia creata de pictura sa purtatoare de emotie.   Muzica unui tablou este senzualitatea artistului derivata din plăcerea fiziologica pe care creierul uman o percepe in ordinea vizuala a culorilor. Artistul traduce complexitatea naturii într-un ritm de forme simplu, culori, și valori (tonuri de culoare) și, în același timp, creează armonia culorilor ...
  Woman with umbrella - Madame Monet and her son - 1875   I decided to make a reproduction of this famous work to experience Monet's way, technique and style. It is one of his most representative works, hence rightly recognized as the father of the Impressionism. Current that has had a strong impact on art as a whole and that has triumphed wonderfully in conveying the sensation of a snapshot of nature. Monet looked at the world and described it in a way that no one had done before him. Worth admiring are the many successful attempts of the painter in which he expressed his feelings through the light effects obtained with the help of colors and the brush movment, including the feeling of wind breeze in this work. The painting was donated to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, in 1983 by Paul Mellon and his wife Bunny Mellon, an American philanthropist and owner of the artwork at the time. Impressionism is a current that revolutionized the art of the nineteent...