Woman with umbrella - Madame Monet and her son - 1875
looked at the world and described it in a way that no one had done before him.
Worth admiring are the many successful attempts of the painter in which he
expressed his feelings through the light effects obtained with the help of
colors and the brush movment, including the feeling of wind breeze in this
painting was donated to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, in 1983
by Paul Mellon and his wife Bunny Mellon, an American philanthropist and owner
of the artwork at the time.
is a current that revolutionized the art of the nineteenth century and
especially painting, characterized by the abundance of bright colors, light
capture and its bright effects that make the canvas vibrate. It shook
traditionalism in art, and in painting it brought to light the beauty of the
viewer's imagination. The main techniques used without being limited to them,
are characterized by mixing colors directly on the canvas thus using the
optical effect in achieving the desired image, emphasizing the shape of the
subject and not necessarily its details leaving the viewer to imagine its
essence, to impress him. consciously and individually, using the effect of complementary
colors to render shades of gray.
painting on canvas 40 x 50 cm.
Femeie cu umbrelă de soare - Madame Monet și fiul ei – 1875
privea lumea și o descria într-un mod în care nu o făcuse nimeni inaintea lui. Sunt
demne de admirat multiplele incercari reusite ale pictorului in care si-a
exprimat sentimentele prin efectele luminoase obtinute cu ajutorul culorilor si
a modului de folosire a pensulei, inclusiv senzatia adierii vantului din
aceasta lucrare.
a fost donată Galeriei Naționale de Artă din Washington, DC, în 1983 de Paul
Mellon și soția sa Bunny Mellon, un filantrop american și proprietarul la acea
vreme a operei de artă.
Impresionismul este un curent
care a revolutionat arta secolului al XIX-lea si in mod deosebit pictura,
caracterizat prin abundenta de culori luminoase, captarea luminii si a
efectelor sale stralucitoare care fac panza sa vibreze. A zguduit
traditionalismul in arta, iar in pictura a adus la vedere frumusetea
imaginatiei privitorului. Principalele tehnici folosite fara a fi limitate la
acestea, sunt caracterizate prin amestecul culorilor direct pe panza folosind
astfel efectul optic in realizarea imaginii dorite, reliefarea formei
subiectului si nu neaparat a detaliilor sale lasand privitorul sa-si imagineze
esenta acestuia, sa-l impresioneze in mod constient si individual, utilizarea
efectului culorilor complementare pentru redarea nuantelor de gri.
Pictura in ulei pe panza 40 x
50 cm.
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