Mountain pathway
The Fagaras Mountains (also called "the Romanian
Alps"), reach high altitudes in offering wonderful views and landscape. Here
one can drive on the Transfagarasan, the most spectacular road in Romania. My
painting was inspired from the backround of the Balea the clacial lake with its
crystal green-blue water. Here is the place
where the fog and clouds make the picks endless, cover the rocks with a misty envelop,
which mysteriously open a window on the world below, where the green meadows
are bathed in sunshine. The hills are sweet grassy and gently slopes to a territory
of an intensive pastoral life.
Muntii Fagaras
(de asemenea, numiti "Alpii Romanesti"), ofera un peisaje si o privelisti minunate de
la mari altitudini. Aici se poate
conduce pe Transfagarasan,
cel mai spectaculos drum din România. Pictura mea a
fost inspirata de privelistea
de fundal al lacului glaciar Balea cu apa de cristal de o
culoare verde - albastruie. Este locul unde norii invaluie piscurile intrun mister aflat intr-o schimbare fara
de sfarsit, si deschid o fereastra spre lume
de mai jos, unde pajiștile verzi sunt scăldate în soare.
Dealurile ierboase sunt dulci și cu pante ușoare
creind un teritoriu de o viață
pastorală intensă.
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